Question by scarlet: How to become a certified yoga therapist?
I am currently an occupational therapist and I practice yoga daily. I have done a lot of research on yoga therapy and am very interested in it. I am wondering if anyone knows of a credible program where I can become certified in yoga therapy. And also, if anyone know how much time commitment is required. Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by Tamas M
I would start by taking all of the Yoga therapeutic training available within your own lineage. Then, in an ideal situation, I would enroll in college level courses in anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology. Next, I would consider taking a good massage course including reflexology. Not necessarily for the purpose of practicing massage, but for a better understanding of the body, and an opportunity in some states to use insurance billing. Somewhere along the line, you want to start a relationship with one or more outstanding health professionals in your area. Most likely, it will be your own chiropractor, medical specialist, osteopath, or physical therapist. If you are teaching Yoga, someone is going ask you for a referral. Your credibility is enhanced when you recommend a health professional who achieves results, and eventually you will have a good chance of receiving referrals back. Finally, consider becoming a specialist.
I don’t know any specific program at the moment.
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