Is it possible to do yoga properly without going to a yoga class?

Question by Chris Smith: Is it possible to do yoga properly without going to a yoga class?
So I decided to take up yoga, but I don’t want to go to a yoga class, I want to practice it myself, alone. I have bought the ebook Yoga For Dummies and I also noticed that there are quite a number of yoga videos on Youtube.

So to clarify my question: can I do Yoga alone with the help of some books and videos, or do I really need some kind of an instructor to do it well?

Best answer:

Answer by Kenan
Anything’s possible, dear, with enough resources and a good frame of mind. Granted, I’m sure your technique won’t be perfect, but I’m sure you’ll reap a lot of benefits from teaching yourself. All it requires is being an astute and careful learner.

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  1. For sure it is possible. The only issue I can think of is that without someone to correct your positions, you may do it wrong and not get the benefits or cause an injury. But if you take your time and don’t push yourself too far too soon, you could do it.

  2. Hi Chris,

    There are many instructional yoga DVDs and books that can help you develop an at-home practice. They walk you through poses, create sequences, and even help with proper alignment. A great DVD to include in your practice is Eoin Finn’s Power Yoga for Happiness:

    There are benefits to having a live instructor present. He/she can give hands-on alignment correction, answer any questions you might have, and provide a level of safety and expertise to ensure you don’t injure yourself. I recommend taking a few classes, or popping into one every once in a while, to take advantage of the knowledge of a live yoga instructor.

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