Some Of The Well-Known Yoga Disciplines

In the west more and more schools teaching yoga and pranayam are coming up everywhere and people are taking to this hindu philosophy based practice that aims at balancing the body and mind in harmony as well as elevating the consciousness to a higher spiritual awareness. Yoga consists of breathing techniques, body postures both, sitting and standing postures combined with few cleansing rituals.

Few of the well known yoga systems are :

Ananda : Means Bliss. This is ideal for those who are new to Yoga science and are getting initiated now. It consists of basics of body stretching and flexibility building asanas with no meditation or chanting.

Kundalini Yoga : One of the earliest systems introduced to the western world and entails concentrated breathing techniques and practices to awaken the energy fields within the body.

Bikaram Yoga : Involves physical exercising combined with breathing technique, practiced under intense heat of around 100 degrees room temperature to help improve body flexibility. The asanas are 26 in number that are repeated several times.

Astanga Yoga : is taught using different asanas in combination that involves exercising all parts of the body in an order . The asanas are practices in fluid movement continuously and results in greater control and improved stamina in the body.

Kripalu : Meditation technique involving body awareness with breath control and mind control.

Integral : Builds overall body flexibility and improves co ordination through basic exercises. This is ideal for beginners who want an introduction to yoga.

Anasura : Aims to promote spiritual practice with body and mind alignment.

Iyengar : Includes Therauptic asanans for treating various body ailments combined with use of various accessories like pillows, cushions, props for meditation, stretching rope etc to build body flexibility through exercises.

Though practice types may differ, all yoga systems are based on body, mind and spiritual well-being of human beings. This being the case, you can choose the system that suites your goal and helps you attain the same.

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