Babaji Kriya Yoga Secrets 2 – Science and Spirituality Converge

HAMSA-YOGA.ORG for more. Kriya Yoga is not a religion. It is the science of the soul. The technique is composed of spinal breathing, magnetic oxidation which causes the electrical flow of prana to reverse itself into the river of the spinal cord and regain its divine essence. Kriya yoga utilizes positive light energy growth for […]

“On-The-Spot” Method To Fight Stress

Stress is part of our everyday lives. It’s not possible to completely avoid it. However, there are ways in which you can manage your stress and keep it from disrupting your health.

Yoga And The Medical Science

by VinothChandar Yoga And The Medical Science Yoga And The Medical Science Free Online Articles Directory Why Submit Articles? Top Authors Top Articles FAQ AB Answers Publish Article 0 && $.browser.msie ) { var ie_version = parseInt($.browser.version); if(ie_version Hello Guest Login Login via Register Hello My Home Sign Out Email Password Remember me?Lost Password? Home […]

The Benefits Yoga Brings To To Pregnant Women

One of the flexible exercises around is the Yoga and it’s good for pregnant women and their babies. Pregnant women and their unborn babies need not to go through hectic exercises in order to be fine.

Some Of The Well-Known Yoga Disciplines

In the west more and more schools teaching yoga and pranayam are coming up everywhere and people are taking to this hindu philosophy based practice that aims at balancing the body and mind in harmony as well as elevating the consciousness to a higher spiritual awareness. Yoga consists of breathing techniques, body postures both, sitting and standing postures combined with few cleansing rituals.

The Basics In Performing Yoga Exercises

Many people would love to try yoga but find taking that first step or the first class a little bit daunting. So if you are thinking of doing some home yoga exercises here are some tips to help you to start off correctly.

Finding Out The Importance Of Sleep To The Body

When we were kids, our mothers would nag us about getting enough sleep all the time. Naps and early bedtimes were a ritual in the life of kids all over the place. But, since we were hard headed and stubborn, many times we would ignore our parents and stay up too late and give up naps for playing. If we only knew then what we experience now, we would have slept a lot more when we were younger.