Tips To Avoid Counterfeit K2 Incense

K2 incense is a natural herb that is used for both its fragrance and spiritual significance, and is also included in smoking products. It has reached a high level of popularity in recent months. With that popularity has come people who are interested in cashing in without providing quality products. Indeed, some of the products on the market are not only fake but actually quite harmful. In just the past few months, there have been more than 350 cases of individuals landing in the hospital as a result of smoking counterfeit K2 incense.

Counterfeit K2 can result in a variety of symptoms, including serious heart and respiratory symptoms. There is an ever increasing number of individuals who are experiencing severe side effects and negative health consequences from the use of subpar and counterfeit K2 incense. Some who experience illness as a result of fake K2 continue to have symptoms for months following the last use.

While the direct ingestion of K2 incense through smoking can be the most risky with counterfeit products, the use of fake K2 for meditation or simply home scenting use can also result in serious complications. Regardless of your intended use, you must be very cautious in ensuring that the product you purchase is the real thing.

There are a variety of sites now available online that can assist you in determining if a retailer or wholesaler is a dealer of authentic K2 products. These sites often feature a list of other sites that are known to sell counterfeit incense.

When you purchase K2 online, you can also ensure that you get a good quality product by searching the K2Verified seal. This seal is the mark of authenticity for authorized retailers of K2. The K2 brand is truly only manufactured by a single producer and all authentic K2 products on the market are supplied by that single manufacturer. By clicking on the K2Verified seal, you will be taken to the K2 website and shown the authenticity certificate for the product contained on the site. If you’re not able to click on the seal or it does not contain an embedded link, the site is not an authorized dealer of K2 products.

If you purchase K2 from a local store or shop, you should also ensure that the product is obtained from the original manufacturer. The shop owner should be able to share with you the K2 certification number which you can then check on the official K2 website to guarantee it is authentic. K2 cannot be produced by any other company or individual. The counterfeit K2 that has resulted in serious health risks is that which has been created by others who claim to be providing the authentic stuff. Not verifying the authenticity of the product prior to use can put you at serious risk.

Many local stores and shops, online retailers and wholesalers are now producing their own versions of the K2 blends, and marketing those products as the real deal. The only real K2 out there is made by the K2 manufacturer. You should ensure that you purchase from a dealer who can show you the K2 certification seal.

K2 blends come in a variety of botanical and herbal scents. These mixtures are unique and safe. Many stores and websites have begun to produce their own blends. These blends are at best subpar knockoffs and at worse, serious risks to your health. The real K2 blends are certified by the K2 producer and sold in official K2 product packaging. There are currently only four proprietary K2 blends available on the market. The current blends are K2 Blonde, K2 Sex, K2 Summit, and K2 Ultra. Any products that contain other names will be fake products.

You should keep in mind that K2 products are the most famous incense in the world for a reason. They are unique blends that are specially formulated with proprietary ingredients that are not contained in any of the less expensive and counterfeit versions. The price of K2 is one indicator of the authenticity of the product. Anyone who tries to sell K2 at significantly reduced prices is probably peddling a fake version of the incense.

The K2 company, concerned with counterfeiting issues, is currently working to increase the uniqueness of product packaging. The manufacturer will soon be introducing security packaging that will help ensure the authenticity of the K2 products on the market.

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