Understanding The Body Chakras

The Body Chakras are an ancient Hindu science in itself of understanding the way a man is or his well being in the entirety, that is, physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. The Body Chakras are seven energy centers placed in a vertical line along the human body in its subtle within. Scientifically speaking, each of these body are linked to the major nerve ganglia from the spinal cord and correlates to levels of consciousness, archetypal elements, developmental stages of life, body functions and much more.

Your Current Life Between Lives

We have lived many lives before we reach in this lovely earth, many say. The strange and thoughtful concept was taught by many prophets and religious holy books. We refuse to believe theories like this more often because there are no mere scientific evidences that prove we are current living in life between many lives. But, there are many thousands claim that they have been getting scenes of their past lives and they can also explain our past.

A Brief Understanding Of How To Open Chakra

The human body has seven chakras placed in a vertical line starting form the crown of the head till the base of the spine. According to ancient Hinduism, these are the life force centers of a person, through which energy is received and transmitted and is linked with the infinite energy of the universe. Thus for the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing of a person, these chakras need to be opened. In answering ‘How to open a chakra’, the best technique is to practice chakra meditation using mudras or hand positions coupled with Sanskrit sound vibrations that will align these energy meridians.

Understanding Psychic Power

Have you ever felt that you can almost hear what a person is thinking of while sitting beside you, or may be that you suddenly have very strong and sudden gut feelings of something happening before doing something or going anywhere which later turns out to be right? And if I my guess is right then you have always thought them to be sheer coincidences in your life. And now that you are reading this article, I can safely conclude that somewhere you have doubts in your mind about these experiences and it might well be the case that you are a psychic having specific psychic powers.

Learn Astral Projection And Explore The Universe

Astral projection is an interesting and mysterious concept that is not fully proved by science but well experienced by millions of people for many centuries. It is defined as taking our spirits into a world where fully different to space we are existing now. Our body growth and dimensions is always react to atmosphere and many scientific factors such as gravity, time and dimensions but while astral projection, you are free from all those factors. Once you experience this concept, you will be able to reach anywhere in the universe with the help of your spirit. Other than fun, spiritual enjoyment and adventures, your mental power and concentration skills double with astral projection practicing.

Dream Lucid – What Is Dream Control?

Dream Control, or the ability to control your dreams is something that is crucially required or finds much importance in the subject of lucid dreaming. A lucid dreamer is that person who can successfully travel to the realm of dreams with full consciousness and a wakeful of mind. Thus, he only lets his body rest while his mind remains wakeful and focused and completely aware of its journey to the realm of dreams.

How To Lucid Dream For Beginners

Lucid dream is different from dreams what you have seen so far. You might have dreams in your middle of sleep and you simply remained a mere spectator of series of incidents that happens in a spur of moment. But here you can not only visualize incidents but also you can well aware of it. While this dream you will be in a state of between your sleep and awareness. If you practice lucid dream techniques you can not only dream lucidly but also control your dreams.

What Is Reiki Chakra Balance?

Reiki Chakra Balance is all about balancing or aligning the energy meridians that we have in our body. According to ancient Hindu philosophy, a human body is known to have seven chakras, or seven central energy spheres of energy reception and transmission located in the subtle within and placed in a vertical straight-line from the crown of the head to the base of the spine.

How To Practice Astral Projection Techniques

Astral projection is a wonderful art which people have been practicing long back. It is other wise called out of body experience that human soul can leave body and come back and get in after some time. It happens occasionally to all especially while we are sleeping. Though it was practiced among religious people earlier, recent researches of experts display it is possible top all through some astral projection techniques.

Steps To Experience Astral Travel

Astral travel is very interesting and more important concept. It is a complicated form of out of body experiences, researchers say. Definition shows, while astral travel or astral projection occurs, our astral body or spirits leaves physical body and wander anywhere in the universe seeking information. Once it completed mission, safely re enter to physical body and resume common bodily activities.